
As a dedicated project manager and mentor, I strive to empower small start-ups and non-profits to scale and achieve success. Through a hands-on approach, I help streamline processes, sharpen focus, and lay the groundwork for sustainable growth.

Need some help with your projects? With your team?

Email me for a free 30-minute session.

Typical Path:

  1. Initial Conversation: Let’s discuss your organization’s pain points. I’ll suggest next steps, and it’s entirely up to you if you want to proceed.
  2. Team Consultation: If you’re onboard, I’ll meet with key players to grasp your goals and challenges.
  3. Customized Proposal: Using these insights, I’ll craft a tailored proposal focused on refining or articulating your organizational strategy and goals.
  4. Implementation: We’ll collaborate to make iterative adjustments to projects, processes, and communications, ensuring sustainable improvements.

Consulting Rates:

  • Initial 30-minute Conversation: Free
  • Team Consultation: Typically 3-4 hours ($450-600)
  • Customized Proposal: Typically 2-3 hours ($300-450)
  • Hourly Rate: $150/hour (plus HST) for ongoing consulting services.

Next Steps:

  • Self-Implementation: Take the proposal and run with it.
  • Ongoing Support: If preferred, I can assist with implementation, with services tailored to your needs and budget.

Free Resources:

  • Biweekly Newsletter: Stay updated with the latest tips and strategies.
  • Podcast: Tune in for in-depth discussions and insights.
  • Networking Sessions: Engage in live virtual meetups with project managers worldwide.
  • YouTube Shorts: Quick, informative videos to help you stay on track.

Special Offer for Non-Profits:

If you’re a non-profit in need, I’m willing to adjust my rates to meet your budget. Let’s discuss how I can best support your organization’s mission.